5 Tips for Better Sleep

I dunno about you, but I get very easily pulled into bad sleep habits - going directly from laptop or phone screen to bed, staying up too late, drinking coffee too late in the day - all the usual offenders.

But I just got back from a week’s holiday and lemme tell you - in the middle of Cuba’s tobacco fields with no wifi, laptop, tv or even power at night, you better believe I was in bed every night by 8:30pm.

‘Well-rested’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. And it’s not just about feeling well-rested; it’s about the fact that you are a much better, much more resilient version of yourself when you’ve slept well. You’re better equipped to manage what’s thrown at you during the day - simple as that.

Back in the hustle & bustle of Mexico City (i.e. my real-life: filled with electricity & wifi), when I have to rely on sheer willpower, it’s not as easy to swap my phone for a book and start my evening wind down - and much less pre-8:30pm!

The thing is, once you know something you can’t un-know it. Cuba gave me a glimpse of what’s possible in terms of sleep and rest, and now that I know how refreshed I can feel upon waking, I simply refuse to forget it all and step back into my late night habits.

So, they’re not quite the same as a holiday, but the strategies below are almost as good.

Tip 1:

Say ‘hasta la vista, baby’ to afternoon coffee

Look, I know this one sucks. But did ya know that caffeine has a quarter life of up to 12 hours, meaning it stays in your system for 12 hours after you drink it?! 12 hours!!
You might be reading this and thinking ‘pffffft, I can drink coffee right before bed and fall asleep with no problems.’ Even so, the quality and the restorative nature of your sleep cops a serious beating, so stick with me on this one!

Tip 2:

Pre-bed brain dump

Before bed, empty your brain onto a piece of paper or the notes section of your phone. Tomorrow’s to-do list, important things from the day, the million dollar idea you just had - jot it down and know it’ll still be there tomorrow for you to come back to with fresh peepers.

Tip 3:

Legs up the wall before sleep

A fab yoga pose to help you send ‘we’re relaxing now’ signals to your brain, and so simple to do! Lay on your back with your bum touching the wall and swing your legs up so you’re making a reverse L shape. Stay put for anywhere from 5-20mins. 

Tip 4:

Little bit of breathwork

Once you’re nice and cosy in bed with the lights out, try the following:

• breathe in through the nose for 4 count

• breathe out through the nose for 6 count

Feel free to play around with a count that works for you, but the key is that your exhale is longer than your inhale. 

Tip 5:

Do a short body scan

If you’re anything like me, you spend a while in bed tossing and turning as you wait for sleep to grab you. Do this instead:

• start at the top of your head and work down to your feet

• take a few seconds per body part as you scan your way down and simply notice your feelings and sensations

• itchy arm, weight of your head on your pillow, tight chest - whatever’s there, notice it and move to the next body part

And that’s it - 5 simple things you can start doing tonight for better nights (and better days!).


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